Saturday, February 2, 2008

Google and the "Open Innovation" revolution

looking at how blogging and networking have becomed so popular it is difficult to believe companies can can afford to reject these methods of communication. In the business enviroment these are called "open innovation" and multiple companies have began to open themselves to the world and established services for customers to express their needs so that the company can better serve them.
IBM is a company which has really taken advantage of open innovation and is profiting from it! Companies need to understand that in order to continue to succeed they must open up and join networks to better meet the needs of customers. I think that any company who rejects open innovation is taking a huge risk and could soon start feeling the effects of not joining.
Google has also taken advantage of this force and I think that all of its success is definetly due to the openess to the public! In fact I consider Google to be the starter of this revolution!
So heads up big companies! either you join the revolution or you could soon start suffering!

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