Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A MUST Have Ability!

We are all aware of the great effects blogging and networking can have. How ever, not every one is able to use this tools appropriately and fully exploit them. In order to be succesful at networking you must develop certain skills!

I think that a great guide on how to identify and develop this traits is the article Get More Out Of Conference and Networking Event. Chris Brogan does a great job at describing the steps before, during and after a conference. The guide is not the very specific, how ever it teaches the basics and gives you great tips to take into account. For example as Chris Brogan explains it is more important to get someone else's business card so that you are the one with the control. Just like this, there are others he mentions in addition to the general steps on how to prepare and act to correctly represent your business and most importantly you self.

With out a doubt, networking's effect is more noticeable every day. Now its up to each person to develop their skills and begin benefiting from conferences like the one mentioned. But if you stay behind and dont get social then the chances of you succeeding will decrease. Thats how important I believe this is.

1 comment:

Lola said...

I agree with you Allen, that so many people have the tools at their fingerprints for great networking, but fail to use them and fully exploit their potential. The problem is, where are the mechanisms to help people get over that? Sure there are articles written on the subject, but anyone can read an article and still ignore what it says, especially if you are too shy (or too lazy) to implement what the article tells you to do.

That said, I'm not really sure if you can have a mechanism to help you other than whats already available. maybe people just need to realize the value and take the initiative.