Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Facebook and Politics?

Every day the use of internet is more frequent and for countless hours! This means people are spending lots of their time on their personal pages or blogging or aboslutely anything else you can do on the internet. With this in mind, I think that Facebook and any other Web 2.0 as described in the article How Will Facebook Change Politics? are great ways to get messages through. At the same time it allows for interaction between those politic lovers!

How ever watch out because just like it can help gain votes and get campaign messages across, it can easily hurt candidates if they mess up! Word of mouth if the best way and fastest way to get things across but its effect can go either way!


T-Bowz said...

I agree, many people use internet as comunication tool. and it also is effective. but i dont like it when someone i dont know ask me to add for those political things. so some people see one thing as good but some see as bad.

Alyssa said...

I agree, viral marketing on the internet can help a candidate or damage his or her reputation.